Emotions Management |
1. I like to share my emotions with others. |
2. By looking at their facial expressions, I recognize the emotions people are experiencing. |
3. I have control over my emotions. |
4. I easily recognize my emotions as I experience them. |
5. When I am faced with a challenge, I give up because I believe I will fail. |
6. I use good moods to help myself keep trying in the face of obstacles. |
Self-Awareness |
7. I find it hard to understand the nonverbal messages of other people. |
8. Some of the major events of my life have led me to re-evaluate what is important and not important. |
9. I am aware of my emotions as I experience them. |
10. I seek out activities that make me happy. |
11. I am aware of the nonverbal messages I send to others. |
12. I know why my emotions change. |
13. I am aware of the nonverbal messages other people send. |
Problem-Solving |
14. When I am faced with obstacles, I remember times I faced similar obstacles and overcame them. |
15. When my mood changes, I see new possibilities. |
16. I present myself in a way that makes a good impression on others.. |
17. When I am in a positive mood, solving problems is easy for me. |
18. When I am in a positive mood, I am able to come up with new ideas. |
19. I motivate myself by imagining a good outcome to tasks I take on. |
20. When I feel a change in emotions, I tend to come up with new ideas. |
Decision Making |
1. I am able to meet deadlines for tasks. |
2. I am able to prioritize tasks, i.e organize them according to importance. |
3. I am able to use my timetable (diary) to remember, organize and plan my activities. |
4. I am able to use my time effectively to perform a task. |
5. I am able to allocate the time required for demanding tasks. |
6. I am able to identify the resources available (Internet, library, etc.) to find the information I need. |
7. I am able to identify what is important from what is not. |
Self-Awareness |
8. I am able to sort information by subject, usefulness, interest... |
9. I am able to file information so that I can access it easily when I need it . |
10. I am able to transfer learning from one situation to another. |
11. I am motivated when I achieve my goals. |
12. I am motivated when I overcome challenges. |
13. I am motivated when I see myself progress. |
14. I am motivated when I learn in different situations, in different ways… |
Interpersonal Relationships |
15. I am motivated when I can encourage other people’s progress. |
16. I am able to express my opinion to the team even if it is different. |
17. I am able to share my knowledge and experiences with the team. |
18. I am able to participate actively in the team. |
19. I am able to accept the decisions made by the team, even if I do not agree. |
20. I am able to negotiate positively with the team in finding solutions to arising issues. |
Communication |
1. I am able to explain my ideas and opinions to the team, to say what I think. |
2. I am able to listen without interrupting to the team members, pay attention when they are speaking and wait till they have finished before I say my opinion. |
3. I am able to express my opinion to the team even if it is different. |
4. I am able to listen and understand other people’s point of view, both if it agrees with mine and if it does not. |
5. I am able to network with the members of the team, show respect, mix with all the people, both if they their opinions are the same as mine and if not. |
Empathy |
6. I am able to share my knowledge and experiences with the team. |
7. I am able to identify knowledge, attitudes and skills new to me or better than mine and add them to my background. |
8. I am able to acknowledge, take into account and appreciate the team’s contributions, both regarding contents and attitudes, whether small or big, regardless if they are useful to perform the task or if they are rejected. |
9. I am able to participate actively in the team. |
10. I am able to accept and value help offered by the team members to perform a task, improve an attitude... |
11. I am able to motivate, encourage, support team members to get involved and cooperate in order to achieve the objectives set. |
Conflicts |
12. I am able to accept being corrected by members of the team, consider what they offer me and rectify a mistake. |
13. I am able to admit that it is necessary to accept rules to make the team work and am able to follow them. |
14. I am able to accept that every member of the team fulfils a role or performs a different task with a view to achieving a common goal; I can accept and fulfil what I am assigned, both if it is what I want and if not. |
15. I am able to accept the decisions made by the team, even if I do not agree. |
Self-Awareness |
16. I am able to identify the aim of the team’s work, take on the team’s activity as my own even if my work focuses just on a part of it. |
17. I am able to contribute, fulfil my responsibilities on time, get involved, overcome difficulties, make up for imbalance...work for the achievement of a common goal. |
18. I am able to put the team’s needs before my own. |
19. I am able to negotiate positively with the team in finding solutions to arising issues. |
20. I am able to choose between several proposals, take sides, support the action I find best. |
Plan Objective | Create Date | Review Date | Status | Action |
There is no plan yet! |